Solid toiletries reduce plastic waste and are super convenientMy toiletries on one hand

I love to travel! For me, nothing beats visiting other cultures, learning from other people and being present in new environments.  Unfortunately, though, travel is very carbon-intense and generates heaps of waste, which in many parts of the world isn’t easily processed. But there are some things we can do to be a little greener. Here are my favorite things to pack to travel sustainably.

When you pack to travel sustainably, include a water purifier such as this nifty Grayl model!
My Grayl water filter

1 – Water purifier. I think we’re all pretty aware now that single-use plastic water bottles are a scourge on the environment.  Even in places where these bottles can be recycled, at best only 1/3 of them do.  But what to do in places where tap water isn’t safe to drink and you’re encouraged to buy single-use plastic?  This water purifier made by Grayl has been a life-saver for me over the past couple of months.  This nifty device can remove 99.99% of viruses, bacteria and protozoa in about 10 seconds per liter.  It saved me from using and disposing of at least 60 plastic water bottles .  It felt amazingly good to be able to refuse all the single-use plastic water bottles offered me by airlines and in hotels.  I foresee many blissful years hiking and travelling with my Grayl water purifier (and no, I don’t own stock in the company!)

When you pack to travel sustainably, pack solid toiletries
All my toiletries on one hand

2 – Solid toiletries.  I have been using bar shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant and face cream for over a year now and I love them. But I appreciate them even more when travelling.  Solid toiletries are so much better for the environment, as you eliminate the plastic waste stream that goes along with liquids.  Solids also save valuable space in your suitcase, and are far easier to carry on the plane with you.  Say “no thank you” to the hotel sample-size shampoos and lotions…it feels great to go without that waste, and there are some really excellent solid alternatives out there.

When you pack to travel sustainably, pack a reusable Kula cloth
My reusable Kula cloth

3 – Reusable pee cloth.  I bet you weren’t expecting that one!  But hey – this Kula cloth has come in far handier than I could imagine.  If you’ve gone hiking, you’ve probably come across some toilet paper in places you’d rather not.  If only that person had had a reusable pee cloth!  Seriously though, these reusable clothes reduce the need for toilet paper. Let’s keep more trees alive and looking beautiful, converting our emitted carbon back into oxygen.  

Yes, travel remains carbon-intense.  But for those of us who still need to do it for work, family, or our own personal sustainability (aka wellness), we can pack to travel sustainably.  And once you start saying no to the tiny plastic water bottles, sample shampoos and other freebies, you start feeling the stoke of living sustainably.

One thought on “Pack These 3 Things to Travel More Sustainably”
  1. Hello, Karen!
    Your website is full of important information. I look forward to hearing more from you. Thanks for your dedication to the problem of sustainability is many areas of life.

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